Medical Coding at Home

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I have worked as a medical biller and coder for 3 years. Now after having my first child I would like to find a job medical coding at Home. Because I have completed the program as a medical biller I feel very qualified to work from home but I am slowly figuring out if this is really an option for me.

So far I have learned that I can get a job for an agency and there is software that I can purchase for my computer. Other then that I am a bit stumped. There are also online courses that teach medical coding that also mention something about software.

Because of my experience I do not want to buy into a scam of buying software that will not do me any good. If I cannot find work then no amount of software is going to help me.

I have also read that depending on the size of the medical practice or hospital, for example, I could get a medical coding at home job where the facility could log me into their system and I could wok from home over my internet connection on my home computer. With an IT specialist on the staff these larger facilities can have additional firewall protection added to my computer because I will be looking at patient information that needs to be protected.

Doing medical coding from home is beneficial for not just me but also my potential employer as well. There is less calling in sick, insurance, space issues, things like that. working from home generally makes for a happy employee. There are very few legitimate work from home jobs and for medical coding there are scams out there as well.

However, that is not to say that they are all scams. There are legitimate medical transcription at home jobs out there for people who have completed the courses and completed the program. This is not a quick certificate for anyone. when I became a medical biller and coder it took me one full year of course work full time.

I just need to learn where the opportunities are for legitimate medical coding at Home jobs are. From there I am hoping that my experience and willingness to learn a new way of doing my job will help me to get a great at home position.


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